Our Partners
Evidence Based Acupuncture was created to show the current state of knowledge about acupuncture, using the language of science. We are a community run project providing simple, trustworthy and robust evidence-based tools that will empower acupuncturists and acupuncture as equal among medicines, improving public health and saving lives.
The evidence summaries produced by Evidence Based Acupuncture are fully referenced literature reviews of the most up to date evidence for acupuncture in a variety of clinical areas. We draw on up to date systematic reviews and basic science research and include discussions of popular treatments for these same conditions.
The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) has a membership of around 3,000 professionally qualified acupuncturists. We are the UK's largest professional/self-regulatory body for the practice of traditional acupuncture.
The BAcC supports evidence-based clinical research into the benefits of traditional acupuncture. We advocate for integrated healthcare and the increased use of acupuncture within UK national healthcare policy.
Convergent Points: An East-West Case Report Journal is an online, open access, peer reviewed publication dedicated to acupuncture and Eastern Asian medicine practices. The Convergent Points editorial board includes some of the most knowledgeable and respected experts in case reports and research in the country. Currently, Bastyr doctoral students are learning about research and publishing through research preceptorships with Convergent Points, as well as making valuable contributions to the journal and the profession.
ACU-Track have partnered with Convergent Points to join our pragmatic databases of real-world cases and patient outcomes. We have worked hard to develop a standardised yet flexible framework to help practitioners record their cases. This helps ensure that case reports are robust and directly comparable.
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