The ACU-Track Clinical Registry

For Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine

Collecting Evidence in Real-World Practice

A Clinical Registry and Patient Outcomes Tracking System for Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine practitioners.

  • Individual Practitioners

  • Organisations and Colleges

  • Research Projects

Enabling practitioners to easily record their patient results, using validated health questionnaires online.

Patient Outcomes Tracking

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Clinical Notes


Real-time Analytics

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The ACU-Track Registry is designed to fit in seamlessly with day-to-day clinical practice

 Helping the Profession Demonstrate their Clinical Results

For Practitioners

Track and record the results of your treatments in your clinic. Demonstrate your results by turning anecdotal reports of effectiveness into validated research.

For Organisations

Enabling Large-scale Clinical Data Collection for your Organisation. Help your members easily track, record and demonstrate the results of their clinical practice.

For Colleges

Streamline the collection of Clinical Outcomes Data in Your College Student Clinic. Helping your students engage in Research.

Our podcast discusses all the latest evidence and research in the field of acupuncture. Speaking to some of the worlds leading experts, talking about the latest studies and the most exciting new findings.

Whether you’re an acupuncture practitioner, researcher or student, doctor or other type of healthcare practitioner or maybe even a curious patient…

Interested in using ACU-Track?